Saturday, May 22, 2010

May 21, K'far Blum

Our day in K'far Blum was a busy one. We drove up to Metula to see the border with Lebanon as you can see in the first 3 pictures.

We also went kayaking on the Jordan River. When we were paying for the trip, I told the attendant that I wasn't sure 'grandma' was going to be happy spending 2 hours on a boat, so they didn't charge us for her. She had a great time, but was very disappointed that even though I had told her to sit up as far as she could, she still wasn't in the picture. I told her that was because we didn't pay for her, so they wouldn't let her be in the picture.

View of the Hula Valley from our hotel.

I took Aunt Shirley to a kibbutz where they make honey. They have a beehive built right into the window so you can see the bees. Below, is a picture of Aunt Shirley tasting the different honeys.

Some pretty purple flowers along the road.

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